Family is very important for Tanzanian people, especially for women. Children are very important because many of them died (AIDS, malaria and sleeping sickness are common illnesses). Families are normally composed of eight members and they take a special care of their elders as they stand for wisdom, especially in tribes.

Weddings and relationships
Weddings are very different from our occidental culture. In a Masai wedding it is the groom´s mother who decides her son´s wife. The groom´s family has also to pay the endowment to the family in law. The bride and the groom meet the first time in the wedding´s day and after the wedding she will have to live in a Boma (a house made of clay and straw) with the groom´s family. They usually wear bright clothes and accessories. They usually eat cattle meat and they have to cook a great amount because the celebration lasts three days.