Capital Dodoma
6°10′23″S 35°44′31″E
Official languages Swahili (de facto) English (Higher courts, higher education)Demonym TanzanianGovernment Republic
Area - Total 945,203 km2 (27th) 364,898 sq mi
Water (%) 6.2

- 2009 estimate 43,739,000 (32nd)
- 2005 census 37,445,392
Density 46.3/km2 (124th) 119.9/sq mi

The United Republic of Tanzania is located in Southern Hemisphere, in the East Cost Central Africa. It limits on the North with Kenya and Uganda. on the East with Indic Ocean, on the South with Zambia, Malawi and Mozambique, and on the West with Rwanda, Burundi and Democratic Republic or the Congo.


Family is very important for Tanzanian people, especially for women. Children are very important because many of them died (AIDS, malaria and sleeping sickness are common illnesses). Families are normally composed of eight members and they take a special care of their elders as they stand for wisdom, especially in tribes.

Weddings and relationships
Weddings are very different from our occidental culture. In a Masai wedding it is the groom´s mother who decides her son´s wife. The groom´s family has also to pay the endowment to the family in law. The bride and the groom meet the first time in the wedding´s day and after the wedding she will have to live in a Boma (a house made of clay and straw) with the groom´s family. They usually wear bright clothes and accessories. They usually eat cattle meat and they have to cook a great amount because the celebration lasts three days.


Tanzania is a multiracial country. We can find people who live in tribes, immigrants and people who have born in the city.
In Tanzania there are 120 tribes, the most numerous group is the sukuma people which represent the 13 % of the population although the Masai people are the best known. In these tribes people have dark skin and they do not wear fashionable clothes. They wear many accessories as earrings, chains or bracelets made of wood, bones, marbles or shells. They paint their faces and bodies with bright colours for carrying out their rituals. We can also find many women with veils as the majority of people are Muslims, although they are more common in the city. We can also find Chinese, Europeans and Pakistani people who represent the 1% of the population. However, they do not go unnoticed, because they form the high-medium class of the society.

Tanzanian people are kind, nice, receptive, proud and attentive. If you are nice with them you will find that they are people eager to learn other cultures and share with other their own.
People in tribes love freedom perhaps for the wild nature that surrounds them, they respect deeply animals and nature´s life cycle. However, they are Muslims and their culture is very chauvinist, men are irresponsible as they usually drink a lot and they do not take care of their children.( we can find this attitude in the city as in the tribes)